
i'm back!

good morning all you boooooooootiful people out there!!! i'm back! been neglecting ma poor ol' bloggie... poor thing *strokes bloggie* well, what have i been up to lately.... hm... nothing much i guess. just been sitting around, enjoying what's left of the holidays and got CYK to teach me to play the guitar. class starts today. yeash! less than 2 months and i'll be home free! i can already smell freedom. ah... at last.... *goes off into lala land* CYK is pissed!! his chem teacher, Rauha decided to take the 1st 6 questions instead of his best 6. well, on the bright side, he passed!!! .... but only barely. see? this is what happens if you take pure math instead of physics. if you've taken physics you would have gotten VK as your chem teacher who would do anything to ensure that his students get the highest possible score. hehe... anyways, nikki, i hope you're doing alright. mommy dearest is worried about you. *huggiez* cheer up a little, k?