
good bye, friend

had short chat with dad. short. as in really short. one that lasted only seconds cuz he was busy. T_T miss mom and dad so much. can't wait to get back home to see them. anyways, had dinner with Jeremy and Franky along with CYK last night. Jeremy will be leaving tomorrow. going back to Hong Kong due of his poor attendance. he's definitely not someone whom any normal person would call normal. as a matter of fact, i don't remember anyone in Feb intake who likes him. they constantly laugh at him, calling him names. but if you give him a chance, he'll prove you wrong. he's actually a very nice person. excuse his quirks but then again everyone of us has our own quirks so who are we to laugh at him just because he seems weird? he will be a friend well missed. i make it like someone died tim. *touch wood touch wood* i hope all goes well for him. hope to see him again next year... that is if he's coming back. we got someone to help us take a picture but it's still not uploaded to the lappie yet. will post it up when it's done. i'm feeling nauseous so off i go to rest. catch you beautiful people later.