
the usual

went to Donggongon market this morning with 2 aunties. you have no idea how difficult it can get. they were screaming all over the place asking each other if they wanted tofu or kangkung or bitter gourd or papayas... you get my point. and i was stuck in the middle of all that screaming. =/ i don't quite like my hair anymore. i dunno... it just seems really weird. and Leslie says i look ugly!!! agh!!!! and Tiong says that i'm a 'sui za bo' (pretty woman)... ah shit... well, too late to undo the hair. let's just hope that Leslie is blind and my hair does look good. *cross fingers* so here's a pic of the new hair. it's a bit dark in my room... and as you can see behind me.. my room looks good doesn't it? well, thank you, thank you very much. heh. anyways, i hope Nikki is doing fine. she seems to be going through a lot right now. just get back safely ok, dear? see you when you get back.