

i don't know why but everything about her bothers me. no. wait. i know why. i just feel insecure. period. i'll probably get over it soon. i hope. i know i will. anyways, i've got 鸡眼 (chicken eyes) on my feet! heh. nah, its called warts in english. 3 of them! it's been growing since i was in Aussie land but i just came to realize what it was today when i told my dad about it. and i thought it was some sort of cancer or something!!! phew. and all along, i've been picking on it. something which you shouldn't do because it'll only make it grow even more. stupid me. the pharmacist told me it'll take time to heal and i need a lot of patience to wait it out... until the skin starts to peel. damn. paitence is one thing i don't have. will be meeting some really old friends sometime soon. class reunion of students from SRS Datuk Simon Fung (no idea what it's called now. st... something) 6 Zaitun 1997. hope it turns out alright. it should. i think. oh. anyone have news on Daryl? Nikki, have any? hahahaha.... *winkz* nikki, glad you're back.