

be warned. this post will contain a hell lot of swearing and anger. yes. i am pissed!!! PISSED i am. by that stupid brother of mine! i haven't felt this angry since.... forever and today, i am PISSED!!!! VERY PISSED AT THAT! what makes him think he's superior? just because i am younger by 2 years. fuck i say! i may be younger than he is but i sure as hell can think and judge better compared to him!! that chauvinistic pig!! agh! for starters. he drives like a fucking maniac. he's an accident waiting to happen. so we got home and i tell dad about it. brother goes something like 'i can drive better than you. if you were the one driving, you would've killed someone even without knowing it.' fuck. that. fucktard. if you must know. i drive very carefully. ask those who i've driven before. they would know. so who the hell is he to judge my driving when he himself can't even drive decently?!!! he will. and i say WILL get into an accident if he continues to drive recklessly. fucktard. and in town, we were talking about mobile phones. he then asked me why i wanted to change my mobile. he then attacked me by saying that i'm wasting mom and dad's hard earned money and what shit and i'm thinking, who the hell is he to say that to me? i'm not the one using rm1500 every month. he's in kl and he uses about rm1500 every month whereas me? i use less than that and i'm all the way in Aussie land where the currency is 3 times bigger. and there he goes saying that i'm using money aimlessly. and he goes on saying that i've been changing my phone every year, saying again that i'm just throwing money away. hello! newsflash. my phone got stolen at the end of last year. i didn't want this phone. i would've still been using my old one if it were still around. damn. i like that phone. liked it a lot. i wasn't even planning to change it anytime soon. but what the hell! it got stolen. not like i wanted it to happen, you know. so sue me for loosing my phone! and another newsflash! i've never. NEVER asked for extra money from my parents to get any of my mobiles other than for this one that i wanted. this is the FIRST time that i asked for money to get a new phone. hell, daddy gave me the green light to get the phone. what else is there to be said? the fucktard got a new phone without even asking. at least i had the courtesy to ask before getting it. and there he goes saying that i'm using money aimlessly. what. the. fuck! like he's not using money aimlessly. its not like he's out working earning his own money and what shit. so really. who the hell is he to say that i'm using money aimlessly?! i will buy that phone of mine whether its a sony erricson p900 or k700i or what other models, i will buy that phone of mine when i want to and he sure as hell isn't going to do anything about it! oh, i've met this really stupid customer. ok. customer always right, no? well, i. don't. give. a. flying. fuck. so this guy comes in and buy this pair of rm199.00 pair of shoes and asked for a receipt. i told him to wait as i'm printing it out. i then gave him the printed receipt and he goes like 'hey, don't you have a written one?' i told him that the printed one will be suffice. he then walked away and came back a few minutes later with his friends demanding that i give him a hand written receipt. i got fed up with his little charade and told him that i'd stamp the printed receipt and sign it. he goes like 'i want a hand written one. if i wanted to change to another size, i'm afraid that the boss wouldn't believe me that i got this pair of shoes from this shop.' hello?! if he would care to stop and read the fucking piece of paper, he would notice that the name of the shop is printed at the very top of the piece of fucking paper and below it would have the item code and amount and after that, it would show the money he handed the cashier and following it would be his change. its that simple. if only he would READ the fucking piece of paper at hand! so then i stamped the receipt and signed it. if only looks could kill, i would've killed him on the spot. i am the boss. hello? i'm not sitting on the counter for nothing. if i say that the piece of printed paper will be suffice as proof of purchase, then it would be suffice!! why would i bother lying?! fucktard! some people just don't get it. they think the world is out to get them or something. hey, if he's so afraid, then why not try on the fucking pair of shoes to make sure it fits so that he won't have to come back and change the size! its that simple. what a load of bull he is! AGH!!! like i said. today has just been a very slow and might i add, a very bad day at that. sigh... well, i feel much better after ranting about it. i shall go back into seclusion and hope that my mood lifts tomorrow and rainbows will start sprouting from my ears. peace.