

my poor blog. been neglecting you, haven't i? *strokes blog* Foundation Party came and went. 5th of may i think? tunrs out that it's not a formal event after all. =/ waste of money buying that dress of mine. anyways, the party was a huge disappointment. didn't get to meet as many people as i'd liked to. =( will put up pictures as soon as i get them. mother's day came and went. happy belated mommy's day to my mommy. poor mom didn't get anything. no romantic dinner, no gifts, no flowers.... all she had was vegetarian dumplings for dinner. i would so like to stranggle my dad when i see him! c'mo lah, dad. can't be more romantic issit?? and nikki, yes i do make the best fake mom out there and daddy is taking really good care of me. hahaha..... nah! better sayang your mom ar!!!! if not i disown you!!!! =p and what's up with the Evisu anyways? want my sweater or not?! *winks* called mom yesterday and it turns out that her body is aching again. =( i've asked her repeatedly to continue with her treatment but she won't listen. says that it costs too much to fly over to KL all the time. and of course other than the fact that she's waiting for me to finish my course so i can go back and treat her. but heck, that's in another 4 years. stubborn girl. and i don't know what to do. dad asked if i've learned any adjustment techniques. duh! of course not. hopefully the pain will eventually go away. don't want her to be in pain. =( talked about the house. dad asked if i'm coping. well, what can i say? no? would that change anything? like that would make him come here and make his baby girl better. to be honest, i'm envious Leslie and Chan. Leslie's mom came, Chan's parents are coming.... as for mine? well, they say that it's too expensive to travel here. *wails* but on the brighter side of things, they'll be coming at least once in the 5 years that i'm here. =/