
hit the penguin

ok, so there i was, bored out of my mind until CYK introduced this really cute game. what it does? hit the penguin and let it fly... up up and away and see where it lands!!! we were having this little competition... who gets to hit the penguin furthest wins. he presented me with a 500-ish score in which i beat him with a score of 588. after trying LONG and HARD, he managed to get a draw. but then... well, i decided that i will not have a draw. its either i win...wait... i have to win! so back to the hard work! after a few minutes... viola!!! i beat him with a score of *drum roll* 593!!!!! try as hard as you want but you WILL NOT beat me!!! mwahahha!!!! i win i win i win i win i win i win!!!!! and the proof of it... see? see? 593... ah... I WIN!!!!! sweet sweet victory!! oh.. i nearly forgot!
you've finally moved on, ay? i'm happy for you. i hope the both of you can make it through! gambatehne!!!