
learning style

took a personality test a few months ago to determine our leaning styles and at the same time this was VK's phD research. after a long wait, finally got the results back yesterday. my learning style was ESFJ or EFSL or something along that line. cant really remember. what it says? i'm warm-hearted, conscientious, loves harmony and may be good at creating it, do kind things for people all the time (a pleaser? hm..) and some other things that i couldnt remember. it turns out that i'm cut out to be a good chiropractor or so VK says... now only to pass that little barrier in maths! VK also said that i'm a really good student and he thanked me for the support i gave when he got in to a leeeetle trouble with JH. proud of it, babe. well, time to end this boring post. not much inspiration today...