
mommy dearest

mom and dad will be going over to KL tomorrow. goodness knows how long they will be there and shortly after, mom will be going over to Kuantan to visit Miss Kam. mom met her a few years ago in SS2, where she goes for her chiro treatments with that stupid. stupid. STUPID, no good, scum Eric Voo. yes, i shall mention his name here because he deserves it. so fucking sue me. the next time i see him? i'll bloody rip his head off his shoulders. anyways, anger aside, there's where mom met Kam. it turns out that they share the same name, only the sur name is spelt differently. how cool is that? so anyways, last year, Miss Kam was diagnosed with.... iforgotwhatsitcalleddisease. it's this virus thing that eats up your organs.... slowly.... but surely and i heard that there's no cure. and last year, she was in really bad shape. was hospitalized for 2 months or so and the saddest part? it's fatal. it's a good thing that mom is willing to fly to Kuantan to spend some time with her. after all, we don't know how much longer she's going to be with us. ~_^