
i like~....

why can't the both of you get along nicely? so maybe some things happened back in melbourne that caused you to resent him... maybe? i'm just guessing. but haven't we all forgiven each other? after all, we're all friends. and by the way, he wasn't mad at you. i hope the both of you can work things out. i really do. (are you trying to avoid me?) anyways, it's one thing i like about working in the shop. ego boost!!!! once in a while you get a friend's friend or somebody that some how knows of you that comes in and tries to flirt with you. this time, it was my brother's ex's friend that came. he chatted me up asking me my name and what not. asking me why didn't he see me in the shop before. so then i told him i was in aussie this year and he was like 'damn! i should've came in earlier and get to know you sooner.' heh. kembang moment there. hot chick alert!! *winks* (no! don't puke yet inside joke)