

what started as a half an hour wait turned into a 24 hour wait. shit. i want my mobile damnit! don't think i will be getting it today as promised because they've been delaying it all day long and i'm still waiting for them to call me. sigh,... i hate waiting. and my poor lappie needs to be reformatted. shit. did i say that already? and backing up my files will be hell because i'm a fussy bitch and i want all of it to be backed up. all 20 or so gigs of it. tempers are rising and my patience is running low. can't wait until friday to get away from everything and everyone. fuck. i need to chill. thinking about aussie is making me frustrated. very. if i don't find a place for us to live when we get back, which is in about 2 weeks, we will be damned. sleep on the streets we will. B.S! and my mom is pestering to start packing. i still have another 2 weeks and she's already pushing and pushing and pushing. eeeeeeveryday!!! and the longer i stay the more i don't feel like leaving. already people are asking me to stay. for good. yeah. like i don't want too. damn! you have no idea how much i want to stay, how i've cried myself to sleep for the past few days, how i've been debating with myself over and over about leaving.... again. but what must be done, has to be done. staying is not an option for me. and the stupid people who promised to get me the phone today hasn't called. i shall give them until tomorrow to produce the stupid phone otherwise i'll get in another shop.