

it's cold, i'm freezing my ass off and i want a pair of Dorothy's magic slippers. i want to bloody go home! it's only been 2 weeks since we moved into the house, 3 since uni started and i'm already feeling drained from all this shit. i don't mind the long hours in uni, i don't mind the cooking and cleaning what i do mind is that after a long and tiring day, there is no one in the house to talk to, no one in the house to just hang and chill with. everyone is busy. busy. busy. busy with their games and laptops and what other shit. i know... it's selfish for me to think this way, after all they've got their own lives to lead and mine sure as hell don't revolve around theirs. sigh... feels pretty lonely at times. like right now. and i want to bloody go home!! at least at home i've got people who care about my needs, about my well being. people who would listen to me rant and cheer me up afterwards, people who appreciate my efforts... as you people can see, beckie is not at all happy. so somebody come and cheer me up already.