
last night here...

i will be leaving in less than 24 hours. damn! i'm missing home already. have been crying and crying and crying and i feel like a goldfish now. hate goodbyes. don't know how people deal with it. well, time goes on. this feeling will someday pass and we'll carry on with life as it was before. have been getting a lot of negative feedback from people around me concerning my decision to study chiropractic. well, it's not that i wanted to study it in the first place. i wanted medicine. but seeing my mom in such pain and meeting such a wonderful chiro (dr d) has inspired me. everyone was ok with the idea.... at first. but now, it seems that they think i'm better off studying pharmacy. what. the. fuck. right. no way. no fucking way. but still, i can't help but feel discouraged. just because i'm small, and i'm a girl doesn't mean that i can't be a good chiro. many people think that girls are generally weak and having a small size, i don't have enough strength and power to crack someone's bones. right. fine by me what you want t believe. i will prove to these people that i can be a good chiro. no, scratch that. i WILL be a great chiro. watch out. after i graduate from uni, you people shall regret what you've said. i will prove all you people wrong. watch me. oh, and new year was great. huge ang paos and all that shit. if only i could use RM in oz. i sooo envy you people here. agh... last night i spend here. sigh... tears are welling up again.... guess it's time to go. take care and all the best to you out there... until i return again.