
heart palpitations

i think i'm having heart palpitations. i ran a google search and the symptoms described are exactly what i'm feeling! ok, so this is wat i found. symptom 1: rapid or irregular heart beats... check! dady always says that i've got a rapid heart beat around 90 or so whenever he reads my pulse. symptom 2: skipping beats... tis i'm not so sure. symptom 3: fainting... well, i havent exactly fainted, but i do feel faint once in a while. like now. symptom 4: dizziness... i was kinda dizzy yesterday to the point i got nauseous. symptom 5: a feeling like the heart is jumping out of the chest... check! and it hurts a lot!! symptom 6: shortness of breath... not sure of this either. scary shit. i mean... i'm 19!!!! is it possible to get heart palpitations? and WTF, depending on the form of palpitations, it can be life threatening!!!! no shit! but.. wait a minute. it says 'Premature atrial beats may also show up in people who use stimulants such as nicotine and caffiene.' ok ok ok. i admit. i love coffee. but i seriously DO NOT remember having premature atrial beats when or after i drink coffee!! i've always been fine with caffiene. this is really frightening me. note to self: remember to go for an EKG or a blood test when i get back home. p/s: i hope its ok to put if off for a few more months.