
study? yes? no?

can i put off my studies for another day? huh? huh? huh?!!!!!!!!! biaaaaatch. about 11 more days to the exam and i still havent touched anything. my notes are doing a good job collecting dust in the corner. can not be so lazy!!! bad beckie!!! naughty beckie!!! dinner tonight was... horrible!!! mr nice asian chef's cooking isnt all that great anymore. and i don't think he washes the veggies when he cooks 'em. there i was enjoying my peas and corns and i just had to bite into the 'bak choi' and.... and.... oh...i just cant continue... its so traumatizing!!!it... it was... it was filled with sand!!!! yuck!!! filled with thick, disgustingly brown, bacterial infested sand!!!!!! ew!!! i hope me no get tummy ache... eeee!!!! gross!!! hm... wonder how's everyone back at home holding up? miss them. its exactly 2 months and 16 days before i get on the plane and fly home!!!! mwahaha.... kk, here i come!!!!...... in another 2 months and 16 days. anyways, its time to STOP procrastinating!!! to work i go.