your truly is sick. running a fever, sore throat and a cough. finally gotten hold of the pics. those cute little angels.
this little darling here is the younger twin.
and this one is the older one. cute aren't they? together now, AAAAAAAAAAAAW!!! notice the white thing next to his mouth. this little guy is regurgitating milk. beautiful little darlings, no?
Dexter finally remembered to come. he looks better than he was before. talking to him is really enlightening. the conclusion from our long talk? he's a very bitter monk who loves fucking peace. literally. ;p (inside joke) but it was good talking to him. couldn't remember the last time we talked that long. hope all goes well for him.
oh oh oh... good news, i've gotten the acceptance letter!! yay!!! don't have to worry no more about the stupid letter. now to just get my visa done.
going back
bundleS of joy
i'm proud to say that i'm an aunt to twins. identical twins at that. i'm pretty excited. haven't got any twins in the family before. they're both so small! almost as big as my arm. cute little darlings, those two. too bad i wont get a chance to carry them in my arms. they'll be going back to Kudat in the next few days. =( the pics should be up soon. i hope. my brother didn't want to copy the pics for me now, so that will have to wait till tomorrow.
just got news that Daryl will be at the gathering. gadamn! nikki, now you tell me! hahaha... ah well, some things never change, ay? oh and you are one brave girl! going to HK all by yourself to meet him and his parents, at that. good luck to you. and you'd better buy me A LOT of gifts to thank me for my kindness. =p have fun.
dexter, my dear! it's good to know that you're still alive and well. i hope you don't give me the shock of my life when you come to find me tomorrow. oh and if you must know. no, i do not do fags anymore. well, i used to. not now. not anymore. and no, i shall not be taking my next fag with you. heh. *smirks* and if you must know, Jacky and i.... we were very innocent lovers. thank you for your vote of confidence though. hahaha... guess you're still the same old you. well, it's good to know that you're back. well, we shall be seeing each other again when i go over to the Peninsular in a few more weeks, ay?
t'was great
last night was great. had a tad of Tia Maria and it was bliss, then went driving around town and learned a lot of neat tricks that could be done on a 4AG engine... things like going from 1st gear straight to the 5th gear and what shit. neat stuff. on top of that, a lot of silly things happened. being a very active girl. i was moving around in the car quite a lot. what happened? the plastic thingie to hold the seat belt actually fell right off from where it was hanging from. =-=" damn! oh oh oh... i hope to learn how to drift sometime soon. if he trusts me enough with his car, that is. hehehe... can i? can i? can i? can i?!!!! puhlez!
tonight we shall be watching 'kung fu'. yay! haven't been to the movies in a huge bunch in a long time. it shall be a great night.
i'm babysitting my cousin right now. she's starting to get on my nerves. she's this primary 4 kid who can't speak right, and i think she has an imaginary friend. she keeps laughing to herself for no apparent reason. kept doing it for about an hour or so. sigh. and she kept asking really weird questions. the worst part? the peeked when i was peeing!!!! =( no, not very nice.
sam, it was good to see you again. i'll be going over to IS to look for you when term starts, ok?
and to someone, you owe me an explanation.
and once again. something slipped my mind. i want to say a big thank you to mr. yeoh boon sim for fixing my very expensive, very not-so worth-the-price mp3 player. thank you! i can finally make good use of my nomad again. i missed it so much. heh. anyways, thank you, thank you! like i've said before, i'm really lucky to have people like you in my life. =D
i am doomed...
yes, people. i am forever doomed. doomed to not to be able to play strategy games. bet cyk would go something like 'why can you not play?!!!!!' my mentor. oh, i've failed you. =p
otherwise, i'm just plain bored. well, not so much bored with nothing to do but taking care of the shop is starting to bore me already. tomorrow is christmas!!!! yayness! well, not that i have anything planned but i hope tomorrow night will be a night of great fun and drinking...
watched The Incredibles last night. damn! the baby was cute. t'was especially cute when baby incredible (i forgot the name) turned into a dead weight. go watch it... if you haven't already.
so what?
so? i have this little green monster that shows itself once in a while. so fucking sue me. and i'm a possessive little bitch. so sue me again. so tell me, what are you gonna do about it?
thank you
really. i do thank you for standing up for me. its greatly appreciated. i feel lucky to have someone like you by my side. but the thing is, i feel it unnecessary that you speak your mind. it's only a small matter. i'm fine and dandy now. really. he will learn his lessons sooner or later. this i promise you so just sit back and enjoy the ride. ok?
i like~....
why can't the both of you get along nicely? so maybe some things happened back in melbourne that caused you to resent him... maybe? i'm just guessing. but haven't we all forgiven each other? after all, we're all friends. and by the way, he wasn't mad at you. i hope the both of you can work things out. i really do. (are you trying to avoid me?)
anyways, it's one thing i like about working in the shop. ego boost!!!! once in a while you get a friend's friend or somebody that some how knows of you that comes in and tries to flirt with you. this time, it was my brother's ex's friend that came. he chatted me up asking me my name and what not. asking me why didn't he see me in the shop before. so then i told him i was in aussie this year and he was like 'damn! i should've came in earlier and get to know you sooner.' heh. kembang moment there.
hot chick alert!! *winks* (no! don't puke yet inside joke)
i have been met with a lot of cuteness today. this girl came in and bought 2 pendants. she wanted her name carved on it but i couldn't get it done for her anytime soon. so we were discussing about it and she goes like 'jie jie (big sis), when you think it could be done?' .... i was speechless for a moment. in my 10 years working in the shop as a cashier, i never had anyone called me that before. i have people calling me auntie... yes, i'm not kidding. people do come in and call me auntie! so really, it's a first for me. someone calling me 'jie jie'.... goes to show how young i look, eh? or it could be her just being courteous. hm...
then this 2 guys started to make small talks with me. they were asking me if the shop is self owned. so i told them yes. then they asked me how old i am. so i told then 20. you should've look at their faces. they were practically in shock! they thought that i was the one that owned the shop. they failed to realize that my parents own it! =-="
be warned. this post will contain a hell lot of swearing and anger. yes. i am pissed!!! PISSED i am. by that stupid brother of mine! i haven't felt this angry since.... forever and today, i am PISSED!!!! VERY PISSED AT THAT! what makes him think he's superior? just because i am younger by 2 years. fuck i say! i may be younger than he is but i sure as hell can think and judge better compared to him!! that chauvinistic pig!! agh!
for starters. he drives like a fucking maniac. he's an accident waiting to happen. so we got home and i tell dad about it. brother goes something like 'i can drive better than you. if you were the one driving, you would've killed someone even without knowing it.' fuck. that. fucktard. if you must know. i drive very carefully. ask those who i've driven before. they would know. so who the hell is he to judge my driving when he himself can't even drive decently?!!! he will. and i say WILL get into an accident if he continues to drive recklessly. fucktard.
and in town, we were talking about mobile phones. he then asked me why i wanted to change my mobile. he then attacked me by saying that i'm wasting mom and dad's hard earned money and what shit and i'm thinking, who the hell is he to say that to me? i'm not the one using rm1500 every month. he's in kl and he uses about rm1500 every month whereas me? i use less than that and i'm all the way in Aussie land where the currency is 3 times bigger. and there he goes saying that i'm using money aimlessly. and he goes on saying that i've been changing my phone every year, saying again that i'm just throwing money away. hello! newsflash. my phone got stolen at the end of last year. i didn't want this phone. i would've still been using my old one if it were still around. damn. i like that phone. liked it a lot. i wasn't even planning to change it anytime soon. but what the hell! it got stolen. not like i wanted it to happen, you know. so sue me for loosing my phone! and another newsflash! i've never. NEVER asked for extra money from my parents to get any of my mobiles other than for this one that i wanted. this is the FIRST time that i asked for money to get a new phone. hell, daddy gave me the green light to get the phone. what else is there to be said? the fucktard got a new phone without even asking. at least i had the courtesy to ask before getting it. and there he goes saying that i'm using money aimlessly. what. the. fuck! like he's not using money aimlessly. its not like he's out working earning his own money and what shit. so really. who the hell is he to say that i'm using money aimlessly?! i will buy that phone of mine whether its a sony erricson p900 or k700i or what other models, i will buy that phone of mine when i want to and he sure as hell isn't going to do anything about it!
oh, i've met this really stupid customer. ok. customer always right, no? well, i. don't. give. a. flying. fuck. so this guy comes in and buy this pair of rm199.00 pair of shoes and asked for a receipt. i told him to wait as i'm printing it out. i then gave him the printed receipt and he goes like 'hey, don't you have a written one?' i told him that the printed one will be suffice. he then walked away and came back a few minutes later with his friends demanding that i give him a hand written receipt. i got fed up with his little charade and told him that i'd stamp the printed receipt and sign it. he goes like 'i want a hand written one. if i wanted to change to another size, i'm afraid that the boss wouldn't believe me that i got this pair of shoes from this shop.' hello?! if he would care to stop and read the fucking piece of paper, he would notice that the name of the shop is printed at the very top of the piece of fucking paper and below it would have the item code and amount and after that, it would show the money he handed the cashier and following it would be his change. its that simple. if only he would READ the fucking piece of paper at hand! so then i stamped the receipt and signed it. if only looks could kill, i would've killed him on the spot. i am the boss. hello? i'm not sitting on the counter for nothing. if i say that the piece of printed paper will be suffice as proof of purchase, then it would be suffice!! why would i bother lying?! fucktard! some people just don't get it. they think the world is out to get them or something. hey, if he's so afraid, then why not try on the fucking pair of shoes to make sure it fits so that he won't have to come back and change the size! its that simple. what a load of bull he is!
AGH!!! like i said. today has just been a very slow and might i add, a very bad day at that. sigh... well, i feel much better after ranting about it. i shall go back into seclusion and hope that my mood lifts tomorrow and rainbows will start sprouting from my ears. peace.
bad..... very bad
today is 'zuo dung' (i can't type chinese in the shop so han yu ping yin will have to do) as in we chinese celebrate the coming of spring. went over to my relative's HUGE bungalow for dinner. my aunt cooked up a feast but i hardly touched anything. hardly any appetite to eat. =(
otherwise, today has just been slow. really slow. as if time is in a stand still. sigh... i feel like screaming. don't ask my why my temper is flaring. i don't know either. agh. beckie is not a very nice person to talk to right now. so off i go into seclusion until my mood brightens up a bit and rainbow starts sprouting from my ears.
i feel so restless. i can't seem to be able to relax. i have to do something. something to take my mind of things. damnit! i hate this restlessness that i'm feeling. sigh.
frustrated =/
i am really fed up of discussing the matter about the house. we shall look into it further when we can gather everybody and sit down and talk properly. right now, chan and i are the only ones making the decisions and when i tell the rest of the folks, they go like 'no, don't live so far away from the city'. chan goes like 'unfuckingbelievable' when i tell him about what they've got to say. yes. unfuckingbelievable is right.
and i just realized that no one has gotten the acceptance letter yet. shit is right. i'm really worried and i'm not the only one. i still have my visa to worry about. agh!! i feel unprepared to go into uni!
i don't know why but everything about her bothers me. no. wait. i know why. i just feel insecure. period. i'll probably get over it soon. i hope. i know i will.
anyways, i've got 鸡眼 (chicken eyes) on my feet! heh. nah, its called warts in english. 3 of them! it's been growing since i was in Aussie land but i just came to realize what it was today when i told my dad about it. and i thought it was some sort of cancer or something!!! phew. and all along, i've been picking on it. something which you shouldn't do because it'll only make it grow even more. stupid me. the pharmacist told me it'll take time to heal and i need a lot of patience to wait it out... until the skin starts to peel. damn. paitence is one thing i don't have.
will be meeting some really old friends sometime soon. class reunion of students from SRS Datuk Simon Fung (no idea what it's called now. st... something) 6 Zaitun 1997. hope it turns out alright. it should. i think. oh. anyone have news on Daryl? Nikki, have any? hahahaha.... *winkz*
nikki, glad you're back.
today has been a productive day. i'm so proud of myself! *pats self on the head* i've made about 30 bracelets and stuck prices on about 100 rings. damn! its eye wrenching. i hope some 'manja-ing' is in order. i need it. *hint hint* otherwise, today has just been... well, not happy. my mood elevates for a moment and drops over and over. i really am pms-ing. i hope things would look up tonight. agh, i hate being moody.
lies? or not?
there's nothing more hurtful than being lied to. i sense that something is amiss but it could just be me pms-ing.
ops. i forgot
i forgot about leslie's birthday.
you a big boy now. take care yeah? all the best to you next year.
went for the gathering today. seeing some people sure does bring back a lot of memories. unhappy ones at that. well, didn't expect that they would turn up. what can i say? he's still a bitch and he's an even more bigger biatch! ah well... they're all bitches.
oh and by the way, you owe me more than one, nikki. you owe me a lot of HUGE ones. heh... well, what to do? your mom worried about you mar. anyways, see you when you get back! must miss me, ya??
i am back!!!!!!!!!
yellow people! yours truly is finally back!! arrived in town a few hours ago. had dinner and came back home. it feels so good to be home again. can't say i truly enjoyed my stay in China. i've seen too much for my poor soul to handle. anyways, 2 things i've learnt.
- ignorance is bliss
- must be brave when crossing the roads
i will be leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow. will be there for a week. actually, i don't feel like going. i've just settled in and now they want me to leave again. it's pretty much draining.
anyways, i have good news. I GOT INTO UNI!!!!!!!!!!! well, i haven't got the official letter yet, so sue me! checked my results online and i got more than enough to enter uni. i'm so proud of myself! but then not all of us are this lucky. you know who you are. i hope you'll consider what i told you. we all just want what is best for you. try to change the way you think. that way you'll be better off.
i shan't be blogging until i get back from Hong kong. bbai people.
i am sick and tired
i am sick of living up to other people's expectations. why can't i just be me? why can't i hang out with people who i feel comfortable with? why am i always judged for my actions? i'm so sick of all this. i just want to be me. sigh... i'm really tired. tired of putting up a facade, tired of pretending to be someone else. maybe coming back is a mistake.
its ok... i hope
it's great that you've moved on with life. i don't blame you. new set of friends, new set of priorities. i'm happy for you. but deep down, i feel left out.
the book
turns out that Palm Square has a book fair. being curious i went up to have look. big place. a lot of books. wowsers! na-uh. i have no clue how those people arrange the books. they were all over the place. i initially thought they went by name of author but i was wrong. then i thought they went by genre. again i was wrong.agh. the arrangements of the books suck balls! so anyways, after searching long and hard i came across The Da Vinci Code and got it. interesting book. always wanted to get a copy over in oz land but never gotten around to getting it.
having lunch with my bunch of girls. i hope they turn up. they haven't yet confirmed with me whether or not they're going. anyways, time to go. catch you beautiful people later.
just plain bored
i'm bored. so here i am again blogging while watching old James Bond movies with Sean Connery and several hot chicks and cute pussies in it. anyways, stumbled across this pic. thought i'd never see it.
this is taken during Virginia's birthday (the girl in yellow holding the present. duh!) in a very expenive Shanghai restaurant. and these are the people that i'll be meeting over in Hong Kong when i go over next thursday. i think. well, most of them anyways.
in any case, i'll be eating dinner with my grandmother tonight. did i mention it before? ah what ever. i visited her yesterday and damn! she looks old. so much more older than i remember her to be. i guess grandfather is treating her rather harshly. after all these years he just comes waltzing right back into her life and taking everything away from her. he angers me. if it's one thing i hate about chinese tradition, women do not go against their husbands. one word. fuck! anyways, bosses of the house are back. time to go. ciao.
rapid heartbeat
dad checked my blood pressure this morning. t'was fine but my heartbeat was a wee bit too fast for my liking. i shall make an appointment in SMC to clarify things. don't think i do heavy exercise... no wanna get a heart attack and die. *touch wood touch wood* well, no point jumping into conclusions. but i must say, i am worried. ah well, life's a biatch.
nikki: glad to know you're still ok. weeeeeeeeeeeeell, can't say i'm a big hongkie fan. can never imagine them being with just one girl. my friends tell me they value girls like how they value trash. but at least your relationship lasted quite some time before it broke down. at least you were happy. ahhaha... well, i'm not perfect when it comes to dealing with relationships either but hell, its the things you learn from it that's most important. and about the hair. thanks! cut it over in Patricks. oh, your mom called me this morning. she asked me a hell lot of questions which i do not know how to answer and i was just laughing and skipping her all the way. heh. anyways, see you soon!
It's great seeing you again
seeing Sam again felt great. we couldn't stop yakking! i missed her a lot. i miss going out with her, talking to her, miss her drawing cute little smileys on my books. =-=" she's gotten thinner and her hair is really long now. looks really pretty. mature. we were over that Coffee Bean and about an hour or so of non stop talking, we went to Bowlrama. no, people. i did not play. as much as would like to, my sexy shirt prevented me from playing... and erm... my lack of knowledge in that particular area. heh. but it was fun seeing her play and seeing her white ball go down the pocket at least once in each game. i miss her already. i hope she's coming for lunch on Saturday.
i am blogging at the most ungodly hours in the morning. i wake up automatically at 6.00am whether i like it or not. i want to sleep. i need to sleep but my messed up body clock is preventing me from doing just that.
the usual
went to Donggongon market this morning with 2 aunties. you have no idea how difficult it can get. they were screaming all over the place asking each other if they wanted tofu or kangkung or bitter gourd or papayas... you get my point. and i was stuck in the middle of all that screaming. =/
i don't quite like my hair anymore. i dunno... it just seems really weird. and Leslie says i look ugly!!! agh!!!! and Tiong says that i'm a 'sui za bo' (pretty woman)... ah shit... well, too late to undo the hair. let's just hope that Leslie is blind and my hair does look good. *cross fingers*
so here's a pic of the new hair.
it's a bit dark in my room... and as you can see behind me.. my room looks good doesn't it? well, thank you, thank you very much. heh.
anyways, i hope Nikki is doing fine. she seems to be going through a lot right now. just get back safely ok, dear? see you when you get back.
i am sooooo tired! came back from tiong's house not too long ago. had my dinner there. damn! his girl can cook! need to learn from her one day. otherwise, i've gotten my hair coloured. its a wee bit too yellow for my liking but then people say that i look good in it so i guess it's fine. ;p the time of truth will be tomorrow when i meet up with sam. let's see what has she got to say. can't wait to see her. i hope we have as much to talk about as we used to. i'm off to bed now. i'm spent. bbai.